Saturday, August 27

I'm Melting!!!

It's August in Texas. It's a scorcher. I worked outside half the day chasing temperamental little people.

I’m hot, and tired, and sticky, and sweaty, and grumpy.

The wonderful pristine pool I recently wrote about is closed. I almost threw a temper tantrum, but somehow I didn’t.

My hero of a husband has intervened. We are sleeping in the air-conditioned bliss of my in-laws tonight, without a computer to call my own. Tommorrow he will use all mechanical charm to get it cool again.

I miss you blogworld. Will write more soon, as in, once it goes below 90 degrees in my apartment.


Anvilcloud said...

As I sit here having hot flashes (oh yes, men can too have them), I think of our new digs with no AC. Let's hope that fall weather comes quickly.

Sue said...

Oh, I hope it cools soon where you are. I think it's a LITTLE cooler here - it helps when the days start to get shorter. Thankfully the house does cool a bit overnight anyway as we have such high ceilings, so we've never yet needed to sleep in the a/c. But life is so difficult when temps soar :-( Glad you can stay somewhere else and keep a bit cooler! It wouldn't be good for the computer in high temps anyway so just as well to switch it off.

Julie said...

Ouch! I hope your dh gets the air working again--that must be miserable! We're back in the UK now where we have to have the heater or a fire on at night. I miss the heat back home--but NOT without air conditioning!

oceanskies79 said...

hope the air gets cooler.

Lora said...

We lucked out and the weather was much cooler today. It's only 87 inside, but we have airflow. The air-conditioning should be up and running again tomorrow night, we hope.

Megan Stuke said...

Lora! Are you guys still with us? How are things?

mlmleong said...

Hi..hope the temperature's all right now..I know what it's like when the weather is hot...In my country, it can be hot AND humid..sigh...