Friday, February 17

Personality Conflicts

You know how some people just piss you off?

Yeah, I knew you did.

*This post has been severely edited from it's original form. While writing the original made me feel better at the time, it just wasn't in line with "The active appreciation of life" thing.


Bearette said...

My sympathies. I had to work with a guy once who was just a disgusting human being. I am just now getting over my rage. It was unfortunate, because I like most people, but there was just nothing about him to like. I'm glad you won't have to work with her on an extended basis anymore.

Mike said...

Didn't see original post, but you need to get it out of your system sometimes. Personality conflicts suck, but they make us stronger.

Anonymous said...

:-) I know what you mean. Truncating can be a good thing. Express, digress, avoid repress, suppress and then you can get back to expressing positivity again.

Sue said...

Ha! I did read the original, but at the time couldn't really relate. Then on Friday I spent an hour talking with (or rather, being talked at by!) someone who reminded me so much of your post. And now it's gone! But I understand, I wouldn't write on my blog about this person, she's a very worthy person and it's a bit unfair to gossip in case someone else read it and put two and two together.

But I did want to say I now know exactly how you feel...