Thursday, December 1

An Evening Alone

I know; it’s been ages since I posted. Life has been good, and also busy, but I just haven’t had much of a hankering to write lately. So now, I’m face with a rare evening alone and a week and a half build up of posts in my head. I may break to take care of some things on my to do list or just veg out for a while, but I'm thinking I've got multiple postings in me tonight. I’ll just leave this little note on top until I've gotten things out of my system and I'll let things flow from there.


Anvilcloud said...

A lot of us go through dry phases. I think it's mostly because other things crowd us out and we get too fragmented to concentrate on writing.

Catez said...

Ah yes - some time out is good. I enjoy those times when I cna just sit and do relaxing things.

Megan Stuke said...

Lora? Are you okay? Come back!

Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas Lora.

Bearette said...

La, la...where's Lora?