Monday, April 10

Back from Holiday

Well, I seem to have taken a bit of a blogging vacation. It really hasn’t been intentional. You’d think that with not working that I’d have all this extra time to spend in front of the computer, but that really hasn’t been the case.

I guess that now that life is a little less hectic, I’m having less need to express myself to reduce stress. Also, I’m really trying to be good and not do any marathon sessions on the computer and get lots of rest, as my doctor ordered.

I’ve also had some serious competition with my husband for the computer lately. He’s trying to get in as much time in with his RC airplane hobby as he can these days and I can’t really blame him.

I promise a medical update tomorrow and not to be gone for so long again without a very good excuse. Now, I’m rolling off to bed.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Good to 'see' you again! I hope all continues to go smoothly. 37 weeks, I see from the chart... my first son was born at 37 weeks so I hope you're more prepared than I was, just in case. Enjoy the rest while you can...!